Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Episode 1 preview

Juggernaut is all about action he will, no matter, what do anything for one taco. Chief and Jugga love their Tacos from the restaurant Taco Chief. The first episode is about when they meet and become allies. Dixsir saw what was going on and sent Natalish and Antoxinz are sent to kill Jugga and the Chief. So Antoxinz is behind and Natalish runs into Master Chief. Then Natalish says she knows him and he knows her. Jugga found Antoxinz and almost killed him. Antoxinz came behind Chief trying to kill him but, then Natalish grabbed Chief's energy sword and killed Antoxinz. She was disavowed from Dixsir's army and joined Jugga and the Chief. Then the shadow of Metoxal the top alien was found.......                                                                                                

*New poll at the bottom of the page so vote!

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